Why Sassy N Sane?: I was speaking with a client the other day who had attempted suicide three times. It was our first meeting, and he asked me, “How do I stop trying to kill myself?” It struck me as a rather difficult question. As everyone knows, it is extremely hard to simply “not” do something. Ask any dieter – how hard was it to avoid the cake at the office party? A lot of people dealing with emotional challenges are told to just “stop” doing something. Stop feeling depressed. Stop feeling anxious. Stop worrying. Stop crying. Quit it.
Okay, go ahead. You try. Just stop it. Whatever’s bothering you, just stop it.

How’d that work out for you?
It’s very difficult to just turn off a challenge you’ve been dealing with for a large part of your life. It’s easy to start to think, “What’s the point, anyway?” By the time most people, like my client above, seek help, they’ve become entrenched in a way of life that has taken them over. They don’t know anything but sadness, disappointment and pain. Why would anyone want to stay in a world like that? What’s the point in living if you don’t have anything to live for?
The purpose of this blog is to help people find ways to not only get through the bad things in life, but find the fun in it! The sum total of your life is not just your problems! Each of us has skills, talents, interests and purposes that are unique. There is a life out there that waits for us, a deeply satisfying life, a life fully lived. You were not put on this earth simply to be in pain. You have something to contribute. You have meaning.
My best friend, dictionary.com, defines sassy as “lively and spirited”. This is what I want to encourage throughout this blog. Find your liveliness, and you find your sanity.
'Til next session,
Stephanie Ann Adams
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