Undefined: not precisely limited, determined, or distinguished

I'm teaching myself blogging - meaning there are some hits and some misses. I found this fantastic theme at bloggerthemes.net and I was so excited to get it. But unfortunately I am running into issues with one part of it.

These beautiful swirly designs to the left of the posts are very happy to my right brain, but frustrating to the left. They have a pesky imperfection that I can't figure out how to eliminate: the word "undefined" repeated twice in the middle of the design, the second painfully split and stacked "unde" on top of "fined."

I have gone all through the html trying to figure out how to take those words out. No luck. Obviously. It's such an irritant, because the rest of the blog theme is so perfect for my purposes I cannot stand to give it up and start the search for a new theme over again.

It bothers me when things are undefined. I like a simple plan. A + B = C. Problem solved. I am very solution oriented in the therapy sessions I conduct. Most of my clients like that. We all like knowing that we have something to do next.

But what about when the solution is undefined? When you are utterly helpless to take the next step? People come into counseling usually because they don't know what else to do. They've tried everything they know and would like someone else to take a fresh look at it. But what if I can't "solve" it for them?

What happens when you can't immediately skip through a problem to a solution? What about when you have to sit with it, like a child painfully twisting their napkin in their lap? Staring at the hated brussel sprouts. Hoping to outlast mom's ordinance against leaving the table before they are done.

I do believe most of the time that there is a way to be proactive against the things you want to change in your life. But some things aren't that clear-cut. There is no right way to deal with grief, for example. You can't put it in a flowchart and coast down the river to relief. You have to let it be undefined. Release control, sit with it, and make your peace with it. Usually that is when the solution comes to you.

I don't know the next step to take clearing the undefinition from my theme, but I do believe there is a point at which it will be solved. I will discover how to change it, or make my peace with it the way it is. Maybe that's why it's there. To remind me.

You can't solve everything. But everything comes to a resolution, one way or another.

'Til Next Session,
Stephanie Ann Adams

Undefined definition from http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=undefined


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