The Natural Anti-Anxiety Remedies

I am a therapist, but I also have stress. When I get anxious, I find that something constructive is the best thing to do to deal with it. This works for two reasons 1) It's really hard to obsess over the thing you're worried about when you're concentrating on a task that requires a certain focus. 2) At the end of the project, you are left with a product for your labor. Essentially, something good came out of your stress and anxiety. I've looked at a lot of theories, and personally have found nothing more satisfying than robbing anxiety of power by turning the bad thing into a good thing. Here's some ideas to get you started.
  • Paint
  • Knit a hat
  • Crochet a scarf
  • Do a puzzle
  • Color in coloring books
  • Walk around the block
  • Home improvement projects
  • Wash the car
  • Put together a model car
  • Clean out a closet
  • Scrapbook
  • Make a collage
  • Teach the dog a new trick
  • Play a board game
  • Write a letter to a friend
  • Redecorate a room
  • Cook from a recipe you've never tried
  • Call a relative
  • Write a letter to the editor
  • Go to a museum
  • Window-shop
'Til Next Session,
Stephanie Ann Adams